Case Study: Paul Hedge

I am an Art Dealer, so I spend my life travelling to different countries and eating different cuisines.

As part of my business, I entertain a lot which means lots of breakfast, lunch and dinner meetings.

When in exhibitions, I’d have to go for many hours without food, causing me to bloat and have acid reflux


I’d recently started swimming in hope of losing some weight, but I knew I also needed to see someone about my food.

I saw a poster at the pool, advertising a new Nutrition Consultant working with the centre, so I decided to reach out and have a consultation.

The Challenge

I honestly wasn’t sure whether Natasha could help me to eat healthily with my lifestyle. I spent so much time in food meetings that it seemed an impossible task.


However; during that very first consultation, Natasha put my mind at ease and gave me a few quick and simple tips to start changing my life around.


We discussed a suitable plan, which consisted of 1-1 sessions, an intolerance test and the Herbalife smoothies. I was eager to get started, so we did the intolerance test straight away.

The Solution

The results came back within a week. Natasha took me through them in detail and advised me on how to start eliminating the foods that I had an intolerance to and replace them with similar foods that suited my body.


I began the smoothies as soon as I could and started noticing changes immediately. I felt better, my energy levels were up, but most importantly it was so convenient. I was no longer having to go such long periods without food. I could just sip at my smoothie from time to time and stay full throughout the exhibitions. AND….this was all before we’d even started the 1-1 sessions.


During the 1-1 sessions, Natasha helped me to understand quick and easy snacks that I could have on the go and even gave me advice on how to choose healthy options when entertaining in dinner meetings.

She also helped me to understand food prepping, so that when I was travelling I had the best options available to me. This was a game changer. No more eating junk food in the airport or on the plane.

Natasha made it so simple for me to understand and start putting into practise.

I got to add all the foods I actually liked, rather than cutting lots of things out!

The Results

Now I have a great idea of the foods that are good for me and what’s not serving me.

I know how to eat out without affecting how I feel and my weight, and I’m eating more than ever!


I’m no longer suffering the acid reflux since changing to healthier foods, the bloating and discomfort have gone and I’ve lost nearly two stone in 3 months.

I now need an entirely new wardrobe, as all my clothes are ridiculously big on me. It’s fantastic!


I’m truly grateful to Natasha and this process, it’s definitely changed my life for the better.

Paul Hedge